Industry News

What are the types of wire protection nets?


Wire protection nets are also called wire fences, wire […]

Wire protection nets are also called wire fences, wire isolation nets, and wire fence nets.
Iron wire protection nets are classified according to surface treatment: black wire iron wire protection nets, galvanized iron wire protection nets, plastic-dipped iron wire protection nets, plastic sprayed iron wire protection nets, painted iron wire protection nets
Wire protection nets are classified by purpose: highway wire protection nets, airport wire protection nets, railway wire protection nets, community wire protection nets, municipal engineering wire protection nets, garden wire protection nets, playground wire protection nets.
Wire protection nets are classified according to their shapes: bilateral wire protection nets, double-circle wire protection nets, frame wire protection nets, peach-shaped column wire protection nets, and outline wire protection nets.
Features of the wire protection net: The wire protection net is easy to install, beautiful, low cost, and versatile.
Wire protection net use: Wire protection net, widely used in highways, railways, airports, residential areas, municipal construction, park greening projects, etc.
The protection net is divided into: hillside protection net (slope protection net, active protection net, flexible protection net, passive protection net) (road, railway) protection net, garden protection net, stadium protection net, residential area protection net, etc.
