Industry News

Use a horticulture net to protect your plants


Using a horticulture net to support plants is a great w […]

Using a horticulture net to support plants is a great way to reduce the expense of installing a trellis. You can also use the horticulture net to increase the amount of sunlight that your plant receives. It also reduces the risk of disease and insect infestation. You can find a wide variety of horticulture netting on the market today. Whether you are growing cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, or peppers, the horticulture net can help your crops thrive. It is easy to install, lightweight, and durable.

Besides providing support for your plants, a horticulture net helps control temperature, relative humidity, and moisture. This type of net can also protect your plants from insects and birds. You can choose between a black net, which can hide among the leaves, and a green net, which can hide among the stems.

There are a number of horticulturists who prefer to use a larger mesh size when they support their vegetables. This is especially the case with solanaceae, which are susceptible to mechanically spread diseases. For this reason, you may want to look for a horticulture net with a double wall. This will allow the new branches to lean against the mesh as they grow, instead of having to climb up on the trellis.

For the best results, you should install a horticulture net before planting. You can use a tension string to anchor the net between two posts. This will ensure that the mesh openings lay symmetrically, and that the layers are firmly in place. You should also install the net before you start seeding the crops. Adding a trellis net to your garden can help prevent the spread of disease, as well as irradiation damage to your plants.

You can also use a horticulture net to provide protection for your flowers and fruits. For this reason, you may want to consider using a large mesh horticulture net, which is often installed horizontally over your tomatoes, peppers, or other fruit-bearing plants. You can also install the horticulture net on an existing aerial structure, like a fence, to create a barrier against pests and disease.

You can also install a horticulture net over your flower bed, which will keep the flowers in place while increasing the amount of sun light that your plants get. It will also increase the amount of pollination that your flowers receive. You can also place a horticulture net over your tomato, which will give you more space for your fruits.